Could you give an example of what you are doing? Do you have a query? Are you opening a record set? Are you working in VB code? Terry L. Broadbent
faq183-874 contains some tips and ideas for posting questions in these forums. Please review it and comment if you have time. NOTE: Reference to the FAQ is part of my signature and is not directed at any individual.
ssql = "select sum (inputbytes) as test from DB"
Set rstArchive = LANarchiveDB.OpenRecordset(ssql)
Do Until rstArchive.EOF = True
temp = <what goes here>
temp = rstArchive!test Terry L. Broadbent
faq183-874 contains some tips and ideas for posting questions in these forums. Please review it and comment if you have time. NOTE: Reference to the FAQ is part of my signature and is not directed at any individual.
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