In CR v9
I have a report where I list expenses. I have groups which consist of Employee Name (gr 1) and date of expenses (gr 2). In the details I have the expense type, the expense description and a formula to apply a currency rate to the expense amount.
The way I need the details to diplay is, if the expense type is = meals then sum up the total amount of meals for that one day. For all other expense type, just list for each entry.
I know this will take variables, which I took a stab at and I was ablt to get the numbers, but am unsure how to display them the way I need them to.
I created the following varibles formulas:
currencyvar meals :=0;
if {ExpenseType.Description}="Meals" then currencyvar meals := meals+{@USD} else {@USD};
currencyvar meals;
With these, I am getting the accumulative summary for all expense types "meals" and the individual amounts for all other types in the details section. In the group footer 2 section, I have the total of all expense type "meals" showing.
How can I show a list of all expense types and their individual amounts, except for the "meals" types where I would need to show one line with just the total for that day.
I have a report where I list expenses. I have groups which consist of Employee Name (gr 1) and date of expenses (gr 2). In the details I have the expense type, the expense description and a formula to apply a currency rate to the expense amount.
The way I need the details to diplay is, if the expense type is = meals then sum up the total amount of meals for that one day. For all other expense type, just list for each entry.
I know this will take variables, which I took a stab at and I was ablt to get the numbers, but am unsure how to display them the way I need them to.
I created the following varibles formulas:
currencyvar meals :=0;
if {ExpenseType.Description}="Meals" then currencyvar meals := meals+{@USD} else {@USD};
currencyvar meals;
With these, I am getting the accumulative summary for all expense types "meals" and the individual amounts for all other types in the details section. In the group footer 2 section, I have the total of all expense type "meals" showing.
How can I show a list of all expense types and their individual amounts, except for the "meals" types where I would need to show one line with just the total for that day.