Hi, This my first attempt at a report. Firstly I have written a fairly complicated stored procedure to extract the data I want and this is held on the SQL server. Secondly in the report I am executing the SP to get the data.
In this data I have a field called status that I have placed onto a table. I have also added another column with the following in it.
I want to sum this column but I can not work out how to reference it. This is probably pretty simple but for a newbie that does not know what I am doing .....
In this data I have a field called status that I have placed onto a table. I have also added another column with the following in it.
=iif (Fields!status.Value = "Received",1,0)
I want to sum this column but I can not work out how to reference it. This is probably pretty simple but for a newbie that does not know what I am doing .....