Using Crystal Reports 14 and working on a report for accounting. The two classes I'm using are CusDocData and CustomerData. The report is grouped on the CustomerData.AccountNum field.
I have a date parameter called "Detail Start Date" and I need to sum the CusDocData.InvoiceBalance field if the CusDocData.DocDate is less than the "Detail Start Date" and place it in the Group header to provide a balance forward amount. I'm using 5/1/16 as my Detail Start Date and I should get a total invoice balance of $610.00. I've tried a formula like this...
if {CusDocData.DocDate} < {?Detail Start Date} then
...but it shows the entire account balance of $675.48, not just the balance before the 5/1/16.
And I've tried a running total summing the CusDocData.InvoiceBalance field using a formula of {CusDocData.DocDate} < {?Detail Start Date} and on a change of group CustomerData.AccountNum but the total shows only the invoice balance of the first invoice in sequence prior to 5/1/16 which is $525.00. It's not picking up the other two invoices with a DocDate less than 5/1/16.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
I have a date parameter called "Detail Start Date" and I need to sum the CusDocData.InvoiceBalance field if the CusDocData.DocDate is less than the "Detail Start Date" and place it in the Group header to provide a balance forward amount. I'm using 5/1/16 as my Detail Start Date and I should get a total invoice balance of $610.00. I've tried a formula like this...
if {CusDocData.DocDate} < {?Detail Start Date} then
...but it shows the entire account balance of $675.48, not just the balance before the 5/1/16.
And I've tried a running total summing the CusDocData.InvoiceBalance field using a formula of {CusDocData.DocDate} < {?Detail Start Date} and on a change of group CustomerData.AccountNum but the total shows only the invoice balance of the first invoice in sequence prior to 5/1/16 which is $525.00. It's not picking up the other two invoices with a DocDate less than 5/1/16.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!