Technical User
I made a little applescript today to make a backup of my Suitcase prefs and then another one to restore them. Sick of all the randomness Suticase does with lots of previews, fonts not uninstalling, fonts not adding, fonts just doing weird things cuz the app gets retarded. So today I killed all my prefs and started from scratch, added in all my fonts got everything just how I like… then I made this and did a back up all the prefs, and then the restore starts every login.. and I can run it whenever Suitcase is being a bastard.. 
--Backup Prefs Script--
do shell script "mkdir ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase_Pref_Restore"
end try
do shell script " ditto --rsrc ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase\\ Preferences ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase_Pref_Restore"
end try
--End Backup Script--
--Rebuild Prefs Script--
do shell script " ditto --rsrc ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase_Pref_Restore ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase\\ Preferences"
end try
--End Rebuild Script--
--Backup Prefs Script--
do shell script "mkdir ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase_Pref_Restore"
end try
do shell script " ditto --rsrc ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase\\ Preferences ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase_Pref_Restore"
end try
--End Backup Script--
--Rebuild Prefs Script--
do shell script " ditto --rsrc ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase_Pref_Restore ~/Library/Preferences/Suitcase\\ Preferences"
end try
--End Rebuild Script--