Our company began using Crystal Reports about a year ago. A number of reports were generated which pull data from an Access97 dbase and they worked fine until October, when the Access97 dbase was moved to another server. Despite the fact that I reset the data location on each report, they began to run very, very slowly, taking up to 20 minutes to load if the user was willing to wait that long. IT recognized that the new server was running at about 1/4 the speed of the previous server and moved the Access97 dbase again. The reports appeared to run at their previous speed, or close to it, until the dbase was corrupted. We've repaired the dbase, but the reports now refuse to refresh, appearing to stop responding altogether. We tried copying the dbase to another server and we have the same problem. However, if I copy the dbase to my local drive and run the reports they are slow but they work. We're stumped.