I'm about to lose it!!! Anyone who uses MS Remote desktop to either a terminal server or XP-Pro has probably had it at one point or another when they are trying to type characters and suddenly the cahracters on keyboard start to react like hot-keys for no apparent reason. I'ts been happing to me a-lot lately and I haven't seen anyone else with this issue. At this momment, I was logged into my home pc where I was replying to an email using outlook and sddenly when I press the letter e; I get the my computer explorer pop up instead of the letter e in my email reply. If I press d; i get "show dekstop" equivelent function. The only way I've been able to solve is by re-booting the remote pc. Then I'm able to type again. Any ideas what would cause this? Both pcs do not have hotkey\sticky keys enabled.