With this code Can I add a subtotal to fd6 . My data input looks like this
Hxxxx xxxxx
Dzzzz zzzz zzz
Dzzzz zzzz zzz
Dzzzz zzzz zzz (subtotal)
Hxxx xxxxx
Dzzz zzzzz (subtotal)
Hxxxx xxxxx
Dzzzz zzzz zzz
Dzzzz zzzz zzz
Dzzzz zzzz zzz (subtotal)
Hxxx xxxxx
Dzzz zzzzz (subtotal)
if(substr($0,1,1)=="H") {
# do this
#remove first Character
sub( /./, "" )
fh1 = substr($0,1,7)
fh2 = substr($0,8,6)
fh3 = substr($0,15,8)
fh4 = substr($0,23,8)
fh5 = substr($0,32,40)
printf "\n\n\n" > "test.DAT"
printf ("Dealer_code%-7s INV#%-7s , date%-8s , ETDdate%-8s \n",fh1,fh2,fh3,fh4 ) > "test.DAT"
# printf ("Dealer_code,%-7s \n",fh1) > "test.dat"
# printf ("invoice#, %-8s \n" ,fh2) > "test.dat"
# printf ("Inv_Date, %-8s \n" ,fh3) > "test.dat"
printf "\n" > "test.DAT"
} else if(substr($0,1,1)=="D") {
# do this
sub( /./, "" )
fd1 = substr($0,1,7)
fd2 = substr($0,9,7)
fd3 = substr($0,18,3)
fd4 = substr($0,21,12)
# Insert "-" after each group of 5 chars.
gsub( /...../, "&-", fd4 )
# Remove any trailing "-".
sub( /- *$/, "", fd4 )
fd5 = substr($0,37,5)
fd6 = substr($0,43,9)
fd7 = substr($0,53,14)
printf ("%-8s,%-8s,%-4s,%-15s,%-5s,%10.2f,%10.2f \n",fd1,fd2,fd3,fd4,fd5,fd6/100,fd7/100 ) > "test.DAT"