Case Corp_Cd Account Acct_Name Amount
2 260 10060 PETTY CASH 1,085
2 260 10475 BANK - OPERATING 11,166
1 MLS260 1000090 CASH ACCOUNTS -4
1 MLS260 1000090 CASH ACCOUNTS 12,251
2 260 10700 CASH-B TO B 1,080,931
2 260 10720 CASH-PARENT 1,760,802
1 MLS260 1000091 CASH ACCOUNTS 2,841,733
Perhaps a simple question, but how can I create a report that subtotals on case without rearranging my data (without grouping)? In the sample above I would want four subtotals (one for the first two records, then the next two, then the next two, then the last one.
When grouping, I get just two totals, the 1s and the 2s, and I don't want that.