Given the following input:
IP: MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55
IP: MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:56
the below script works great, however when the input is corrupted from another process and the data comes out:
IP: MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55
IP: 11 MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:56
I get an "Run-time error ‘9’: Subscript out of range"
When i select Debug, the "IPString = IPStringOut(1)" is highlighted.
The data that we're running through this scrip is usually several megabites and we cannot easily manually remove the erranious carriage returns and duplicate ip integers
Please help!
Sub Convert_VC_Dump2()
Dim fso
Dim txtStreamIn
Dim txtStreamOut
Dim LineIn
Dim txtOut
Dim VulString
Dim AssetString
Dim MangString
Dim SevString
Dim STIGString
Dim StatString
Dim DeatilString
Dim IPString
Dim MACString
Dim HostString
Dim FindChkStr
Dim FindFixStr
Dim HitNum
Dim SingleFinding
Dim IPStringOut
'ask for the location to the dump file
'parse that file and save to the database's directory
'load that file to the database
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtStreamIn = fs
penTextFile(getFileName(), 1)
cleanFileup (".\VC06_Convert.txt")
Set txtStreamOut = fs
penTextFile(".\VC06_Convert.txt", 8, True)
Set wShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
'Set txtstreamdebug = fs
penTextFile("C:\VMS\VC06_Debug.txt", 8, True)
LineIn = ""
txtOut = ""
StrLngth = 0
HitNum = 1
HitNumStr = ""
lineXfer = ""
SrchStr2 = ""
VulString = ""
AssetString = ""
MangString = ""
SevString = ""
STIGString = ""
StatString = ""
DetailString = ""
IPString = ""
MACString = ""
HostString = ""
FindChkStr = ""
FindFixStr = ""
SingleFinding = True
txtOut = "Vulnerability;Total;Asset;Severity;STIG_ID;FindChecks;FindFixes;Detail;IP;MAC;Host"
txtStreamOut.writeline txtOut
txtOut = ""
wShell.PopUp "Converting file, please wait..." & Chr(10) & "Do not close the database.", 5, "Info"
'Begin the parse
Do While Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
If (InStr(LineIn, "Complete Finding Detail") = 0) Then
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
End If
' Find a vulnerability to convert
If Trim(LineIn) = "Complete Finding Detail" Then
FoundFirst = True
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
AssetString = Trim(LineIn)
'find the main vulnerability string
Do While InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability:") = 0 And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
' set the first part of the vulstring
If InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability:") Then
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
VulString = Trim(LineIn)
End If
' find the STIG ID
Do While InStr(LineIn, "STIG ID:") = 0 And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
' set the STIG ID
If InStr(LineIn, "STIG ID:") Then
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
STIGString = Trim(LineIn)
End If
' find the severity
Do While InStr(LineIn, "Severity:") = 0 And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
' set the severity
If InStr(LineIn, "Severity:") Then
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
SevString = Right(LineIn, Len(LineIn) - 2)
End If
' find the vulnerability name
Do While InStr(LineIn, "Finding Long Name:") = 0 And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
VulString = VulString & " -- "
' build the vulerability name
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Finding Details:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Finding Details:") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
VulString = VulString & LineIn
End If
VulString = Trim(VulString)
Do While InStr(VulString, " ")
VulString = Replace(VulString, " ", " ")
' build a temporary details holder
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Finding Discussion:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Finding Discussion:") = 0 Then
If InStr(LineIn, "occurrences") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
TempDetails = TempDetails & LineIn & ">><<"
End If
End If
Do While (InStr(TempDetails, " "))
TempDetails = Replace(TempDetails, " ", " ")
TempDetails = Replace(TempDetails, ">><<>><<", ">><<")
TempDetails = Replace(TempDetails, "Host>><<Name", "Host Name")
TempDetails = Replace(TempDetails, "Host Name:>><<", "Host Name: ")
TempDetailsA = Split(TempDetails, ">><<")
'If InStr(TempDetails, "HFHSK51") And InStr(TempDetails, "00:18:71:E4:C0:28") Then
' txtStreamOut.writeline TempDetails
' MsgBox found
'End If
' find the discussion area to set the it to the details area
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Fixes:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Fixes:") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
If LineIn = "" Then
DetailString = DetailString & "[[]]"
DetailString = DetailString & LineIn
End If
End If
'Clean up the string
Do While (InStr(DetailString, "[[]][[]]"))
DetailString = Replace(DetailString, "[[]][[]]", "[[]]")
Do While (InStr(DetailString, " "))
DetailString = Replace(DetailString, " ", " ")
DetailString = Replace(DetailString, " ", " ")
DetailString = Replace(DetailString, "[[]]", vbCrLf)
' find and bulid the finding fixes
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Mitigations:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Mitigations:") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
If LineIn = "" Then
FindFixString = FindFixString & "[[]]"
FindFixString = FindFixString & LineIn
End If
End If
'Clean up the string
Do While (InStr(FindFixString, "[[]][[]]"))
FindFixString = Replace(FindFixString, "[[]][[]]", "[[]]")
Do While (InStr(FindFixString, " "))
FindFixString = Replace(FindFixString, " ", " ")
FindFixString = Replace(FindFixString, " ", " ")
FindFixString = Replace(FindFixString, "[[]]", vbCrLf)
' find the vulnerablity checks
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Checks:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
' bulid the vulnerabilty checks area
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Complete Finding Detail") = 0) And (InStr(LineIn, "Total Findings:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Complete Finding Detail") = 0 And InStr(LineIn, "Total Findings:") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
If LineIn = "" Then
FindChkString = FindChkString & "[[]]"
FindChkString = FindChkString & " " & LineIn
End If
End If
'Clean up the string
Do While (InStr(FindChkString, "[[]][[]]"))
FindChkString = Replace(FindChkString, "[[]][[]]", "[[]]")
Do While (InStr(FindChkString, " "))
FindChkString = Replace(FindFixString, " ", " ")
FindChkString = Replace(FindChkString, " ", " ")
FindChkString = Replace(FindChkString, "[[]]", vbCrLf)
'MsgBox VulString & Chr(10) & AssetString & Chr(10) & SevString & Chr(10) & STIGString & Chr(10) & IPString & Chr(10) & MACString & Chr(10) & HostString, vbOKOnly, Info
If UBound(TempDetailsA) >= 1 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(TempDetailsA)
If (InStr(TempDetailsA(i), "IP:") > 0) Then
SingleFinding = False
IPStringOut = ""
IPStringOut = Split(TempDetailsA(i), " ")
IPString = IPStringOut(1)
If UBound(IPStringOut) >= 3 Then
MACString = IPStringOut(3)
End If
If UBound(IPStringOut) >= 6 Then
HostString = IPStringOut(6)
End If
'If InStr(TempDetails, "TYNCPTSWK01103") And InStr(MACString, "00:13
2:A0") Then
' MsgBox UBound(IPStringOut)
'MsgBox IPStringOut(1) & " ; " & IPStringOut(5) & " ; " & IPStringOut(6)
'End If
'MsgBox VulString & Chr(10) & AssetString & Chr(10) & SevString & Chr(10) & STIGString & Chr(10) & IPString & Chr(10) & MACString & Chr(10) & HostString, vbOKOnly, Info
'txtOut = VulString + ";" & "1" & ";" + AssetString + ";" + SevString + ";" + STIGString + ";" + FindChkString + ";" + FindFixString + ";" + DetailString + ";" + IPString + ";" + MACString + ";" + HostString
txtOut = VulString + ";" & "1" & ";" + AssetString + ";" + SevString + ";" + STIGString + ";" + ";" + ";" + ";" + IPString + ";" + MACString + ";" + HostString
'txtOut = txtOut + Chr(10)
txtStreamOut.writeline txtOut
End If
End If
If (SingleFinding) Then
'MsgBox VulString & Chr(10) & AssetString & Chr(10) & SevString & Chr(10) & STIGString & Chr(10) & IPString & Chr(10) & MACString & Chr(10) & HostString, vbOKOnly, Info
'txtOut = VulString + ";" & "1" & ";" + AssetString + ";" + SevString + ";" + STIGString + ";" + FindChkString + ";" + FindFixString + ";" + DetailString
txtOut = VulString + ";" & "1" & ";" + AssetString + ";" + SevString + ";" + STIGString + ";" + ";" + ";"
'txtOut = txtOut + Chr(10)
txtStreamOut.writeline txtOut
End If
FindFixString = Right(FindFixString, Len(FindFixString) - 2)
FindChkString = Right(FindChkString, Len(FindChkString) - 2)
Call LoadNewVul(VulString, FindChkString, FindFixString, DetailString)
txtOut = ""
HitNum = 1
VulString = ""
AssetString = ""
SevString = ""
STIGString = ""
DetailString = ""
TempDetails = ""
TempDetailsA = ""
IPString = ""
MACString = ""
HostString = ""
FindChkString = ""
FindFixString = ""
'IPStringOut = ""
SingleFinding = True
End If
If fso.FileExists(".\schema.ini") = 0 Then
'Grr = CreateSchemaFile(True, ".\", "VC06_Convert.TXT", "VC06_Convert")
End If
wShell.PopUp "Conversion done, importing file now. Please wait...", 2, "Info"
If fso.FileExists(".\VC06_Convert.txt") Then
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "VC06_Convert_Import", "VC06_Convert", ".\VC06_Convert.txt", True
End If
'wShell.PopUp "Identifying General", 2, "Info"
'DoCmd.OpenQuery ("Q_VC06_Mark_General")
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE Q_VC06 SET Q_VC06.Host = 'GENERAL' WHERE (((Q_VC06.Host) Is Null) AND ((Q_VC06.IP) Is Null))", dbFailOnError
'wShell.PopUp "Marking Duplicate Vulnerabilites", 2, "Info"
'wShell.PopUp "Setting Tiers", 2, "Info"
wShell.PopUp "New data loaded. Import complete.", 5, "Info"
End Sub
IP: MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55
IP: MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:56
the below script works great, however when the input is corrupted from another process and the data comes out:
IP: MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55
IP: 11 MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:56
I get an "Run-time error ‘9’: Subscript out of range"
When i select Debug, the "IPString = IPStringOut(1)" is highlighted.
The data that we're running through this scrip is usually several megabites and we cannot easily manually remove the erranious carriage returns and duplicate ip integers
Please help!
Sub Convert_VC_Dump2()
Dim fso
Dim txtStreamIn
Dim txtStreamOut
Dim LineIn
Dim txtOut
Dim VulString
Dim AssetString
Dim MangString
Dim SevString
Dim STIGString
Dim StatString
Dim DeatilString
Dim IPString
Dim MACString
Dim HostString
Dim FindChkStr
Dim FindFixStr
Dim HitNum
Dim SingleFinding
Dim IPStringOut
'ask for the location to the dump file
'parse that file and save to the database's directory
'load that file to the database
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtStreamIn = fs
cleanFileup (".\VC06_Convert.txt")
Set txtStreamOut = fs
Set wShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
'Set txtstreamdebug = fs
LineIn = ""
txtOut = ""
StrLngth = 0
HitNum = 1
HitNumStr = ""
lineXfer = ""
SrchStr2 = ""
VulString = ""
AssetString = ""
MangString = ""
SevString = ""
STIGString = ""
StatString = ""
DetailString = ""
IPString = ""
MACString = ""
HostString = ""
FindChkStr = ""
FindFixStr = ""
SingleFinding = True
txtOut = "Vulnerability;Total;Asset;Severity;STIG_ID;FindChecks;FindFixes;Detail;IP;MAC;Host"
txtStreamOut.writeline txtOut
txtOut = ""
wShell.PopUp "Converting file, please wait..." & Chr(10) & "Do not close the database.", 5, "Info"
'Begin the parse
Do While Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
If (InStr(LineIn, "Complete Finding Detail") = 0) Then
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
End If
' Find a vulnerability to convert
If Trim(LineIn) = "Complete Finding Detail" Then
FoundFirst = True
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
AssetString = Trim(LineIn)
'find the main vulnerability string
Do While InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability:") = 0 And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
' set the first part of the vulstring
If InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability:") Then
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
VulString = Trim(LineIn)
End If
' find the STIG ID
Do While InStr(LineIn, "STIG ID:") = 0 And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
' set the STIG ID
If InStr(LineIn, "STIG ID:") Then
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
STIGString = Trim(LineIn)
End If
' find the severity
Do While InStr(LineIn, "Severity:") = 0 And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
' set the severity
If InStr(LineIn, "Severity:") Then
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
SevString = Right(LineIn, Len(LineIn) - 2)
End If
' find the vulnerability name
Do While InStr(LineIn, "Finding Long Name:") = 0 And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = Trim(txtStreamIn.Readline)
VulString = VulString & " -- "
' build the vulerability name
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Finding Details:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Finding Details:") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
VulString = VulString & LineIn
End If
VulString = Trim(VulString)
Do While InStr(VulString, " ")
VulString = Replace(VulString, " ", " ")
' build a temporary details holder
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Finding Discussion:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Finding Discussion:") = 0 Then
If InStr(LineIn, "occurrences") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
TempDetails = TempDetails & LineIn & ">><<"
End If
End If
Do While (InStr(TempDetails, " "))
TempDetails = Replace(TempDetails, " ", " ")
TempDetails = Replace(TempDetails, ">><<>><<", ">><<")
TempDetails = Replace(TempDetails, "Host>><<Name", "Host Name")
TempDetails = Replace(TempDetails, "Host Name:>><<", "Host Name: ")
TempDetailsA = Split(TempDetails, ">><<")
'If InStr(TempDetails, "HFHSK51") And InStr(TempDetails, "00:18:71:E4:C0:28") Then
' txtStreamOut.writeline TempDetails
' MsgBox found
'End If
' find the discussion area to set the it to the details area
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Fixes:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Fixes:") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
If LineIn = "" Then
DetailString = DetailString & "[[]]"
DetailString = DetailString & LineIn
End If
End If
'Clean up the string
Do While (InStr(DetailString, "[[]][[]]"))
DetailString = Replace(DetailString, "[[]][[]]", "[[]]")
Do While (InStr(DetailString, " "))
DetailString = Replace(DetailString, " ", " ")
DetailString = Replace(DetailString, " ", " ")
DetailString = Replace(DetailString, "[[]]", vbCrLf)
' find and bulid the finding fixes
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Mitigations:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Mitigations:") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
If LineIn = "" Then
FindFixString = FindFixString & "[[]]"
FindFixString = FindFixString & LineIn
End If
End If
'Clean up the string
Do While (InStr(FindFixString, "[[]][[]]"))
FindFixString = Replace(FindFixString, "[[]][[]]", "[[]]")
Do While (InStr(FindFixString, " "))
FindFixString = Replace(FindFixString, " ", " ")
FindFixString = Replace(FindFixString, " ", " ")
FindFixString = Replace(FindFixString, "[[]]", vbCrLf)
' find the vulnerablity checks
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Vulnerability Checks:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
' bulid the vulnerabilty checks area
Do While (InStr(LineIn, "Complete Finding Detail") = 0) And (InStr(LineIn, "Total Findings:") = 0) And Not (txtStreamIn.AtEndOfStream)
LineIn = txtStreamIn.Readline
If InStr(LineIn, "Complete Finding Detail") = 0 And InStr(LineIn, "Total Findings:") = 0 Then
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, ";", "-")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(10), "")
LineIn = Replace(LineIn, Chr(13), "")
LineIn = Trim(LineIn)
If LineIn = "" Then
FindChkString = FindChkString & "[[]]"
FindChkString = FindChkString & " " & LineIn
End If
End If
'Clean up the string
Do While (InStr(FindChkString, "[[]][[]]"))
FindChkString = Replace(FindChkString, "[[]][[]]", "[[]]")
Do While (InStr(FindChkString, " "))
FindChkString = Replace(FindFixString, " ", " ")
FindChkString = Replace(FindChkString, " ", " ")
FindChkString = Replace(FindChkString, "[[]]", vbCrLf)
'MsgBox VulString & Chr(10) & AssetString & Chr(10) & SevString & Chr(10) & STIGString & Chr(10) & IPString & Chr(10) & MACString & Chr(10) & HostString, vbOKOnly, Info
If UBound(TempDetailsA) >= 1 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(TempDetailsA)
If (InStr(TempDetailsA(i), "IP:") > 0) Then
SingleFinding = False
IPStringOut = ""
IPStringOut = Split(TempDetailsA(i), " ")
IPString = IPStringOut(1)
If UBound(IPStringOut) >= 3 Then
MACString = IPStringOut(3)
End If
If UBound(IPStringOut) >= 6 Then
HostString = IPStringOut(6)
End If
'If InStr(TempDetails, "TYNCPTSWK01103") And InStr(MACString, "00:13
' MsgBox UBound(IPStringOut)
'MsgBox IPStringOut(1) & " ; " & IPStringOut(5) & " ; " & IPStringOut(6)
'End If
'MsgBox VulString & Chr(10) & AssetString & Chr(10) & SevString & Chr(10) & STIGString & Chr(10) & IPString & Chr(10) & MACString & Chr(10) & HostString, vbOKOnly, Info
'txtOut = VulString + ";" & "1" & ";" + AssetString + ";" + SevString + ";" + STIGString + ";" + FindChkString + ";" + FindFixString + ";" + DetailString + ";" + IPString + ";" + MACString + ";" + HostString
txtOut = VulString + ";" & "1" & ";" + AssetString + ";" + SevString + ";" + STIGString + ";" + ";" + ";" + ";" + IPString + ";" + MACString + ";" + HostString
'txtOut = txtOut + Chr(10)
txtStreamOut.writeline txtOut
End If
End If
If (SingleFinding) Then
'MsgBox VulString & Chr(10) & AssetString & Chr(10) & SevString & Chr(10) & STIGString & Chr(10) & IPString & Chr(10) & MACString & Chr(10) & HostString, vbOKOnly, Info
'txtOut = VulString + ";" & "1" & ";" + AssetString + ";" + SevString + ";" + STIGString + ";" + FindChkString + ";" + FindFixString + ";" + DetailString
txtOut = VulString + ";" & "1" & ";" + AssetString + ";" + SevString + ";" + STIGString + ";" + ";" + ";"
'txtOut = txtOut + Chr(10)
txtStreamOut.writeline txtOut
End If
FindFixString = Right(FindFixString, Len(FindFixString) - 2)
FindChkString = Right(FindChkString, Len(FindChkString) - 2)
Call LoadNewVul(VulString, FindChkString, FindFixString, DetailString)
txtOut = ""
HitNum = 1
VulString = ""
AssetString = ""
SevString = ""
STIGString = ""
DetailString = ""
TempDetails = ""
TempDetailsA = ""
IPString = ""
MACString = ""
HostString = ""
FindChkString = ""
FindFixString = ""
'IPStringOut = ""
SingleFinding = True
End If
If fso.FileExists(".\schema.ini") = 0 Then
'Grr = CreateSchemaFile(True, ".\", "VC06_Convert.TXT", "VC06_Convert")
End If
wShell.PopUp "Conversion done, importing file now. Please wait...", 2, "Info"
If fso.FileExists(".\VC06_Convert.txt") Then
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "VC06_Convert_Import", "VC06_Convert", ".\VC06_Convert.txt", True
End If
'wShell.PopUp "Identifying General", 2, "Info"
'DoCmd.OpenQuery ("Q_VC06_Mark_General")
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE Q_VC06 SET Q_VC06.Host = 'GENERAL' WHERE (((Q_VC06.Host) Is Null) AND ((Q_VC06.IP) Is Null))", dbFailOnError
'wShell.PopUp "Marking Duplicate Vulnerabilites", 2, "Info"
'wShell.PopUp "Setting Tiers", 2, "Info"
wShell.PopUp "New data loaded. Import complete.", 5, "Info"
End Sub