Dear all.
I am trying to write code that finds the max value in an array and returns te value and index reference of the value.
I have come up with the following code so far but I am not getting a "subscript out of range" error. have no idea where I have gone wrong. any ideas.
Option Explicit
Sub Optimal_Structure()
'This model finds the optimal structure for an agent structure.
Dim Agent_type As Variant
Dim Total_volume As Double
Dim Levels As Double
Dim Agent_limit As Variant
Dim BOR_table As Variant
'set agent type array
Total_volume = Range("Total_volume")
Agent_type = Range("agent_type").Value
Agent_limit = Range("Agent_limit").Value
BOR_table = Range("BOR_table").Value
Levels = Range("levels").Value
'Find max value in range and index.
ArrayMax (BOR_table)
End Sub
' Should return max value in Value_tables and index
Function ArrayMax(arr As Variant, Optional ByVal First As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Last As Variant, Optional MaxIndex As Long) As Variant
Dim Index As Long
If IsMissing(First) Then First = LBound(arr)
If IsMissing(Last) Then Last = UBound(arr)
MaxIndex = First
ArrayMax = arr(MaxIndex)
For Index = First + 1 To Last
If ArrayMax < arr(Index) Then
MaxIndex = Index
ArrayMax = arr(MaxIndex)
End If
End Function
I am trying to write code that finds the max value in an array and returns te value and index reference of the value.
I have come up with the following code so far but I am not getting a "subscript out of range" error. have no idea where I have gone wrong. any ideas.
Option Explicit
Sub Optimal_Structure()
'This model finds the optimal structure for an agent structure.
Dim Agent_type As Variant
Dim Total_volume As Double
Dim Levels As Double
Dim Agent_limit As Variant
Dim BOR_table As Variant
'set agent type array
Total_volume = Range("Total_volume")
Agent_type = Range("agent_type").Value
Agent_limit = Range("Agent_limit").Value
BOR_table = Range("BOR_table").Value
Levels = Range("levels").Value
'Find max value in range and index.
ArrayMax (BOR_table)
End Sub
' Should return max value in Value_tables and index
Function ArrayMax(arr As Variant, Optional ByVal First As Variant, _
Optional ByVal Last As Variant, Optional MaxIndex As Long) As Variant
Dim Index As Long
If IsMissing(First) Then First = LBound(arr)
If IsMissing(Last) Then Last = UBound(arr)
MaxIndex = First
ArrayMax = arr(MaxIndex)
For Index = First + 1 To Last
If ArrayMax < arr(Index) Then
MaxIndex = Index
ArrayMax = arr(MaxIndex)
End If
End Function