I hope someone can help me out. I am receiving a Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'
Subscript out of range: '1'
viewcart.asp, line 15
I have basically inherited this script (below) from someone else and I've tried to correct the problem but, I haven't had any luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
Dim arrShop(), n
Redim arrShop(4, 0)
For each item in Request.Cookies
If UCase(CStr(item)) <> "REGION" Then
If UCase(CStr(item)) <> "SHOP" Then
Redim Preserve arrShop(4, n)
arrShop(0,n) = item 'code
arrTemp = Split(Request.Cookies(item), ","
Dim m
For m = 0 to 3
LINE 15 ---> arrShop(m, n) = arrTemp(m) 'Title, Format, Quant, Price
Next 'm
n = n + 1
End If
End If
Next 'n
Subscript out of range: '1'
viewcart.asp, line 15
I have basically inherited this script (below) from someone else and I've tried to correct the problem but, I haven't had any luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
Dim arrShop(), n
Redim arrShop(4, 0)
For each item in Request.Cookies
If UCase(CStr(item)) <> "REGION" Then
If UCase(CStr(item)) <> "SHOP" Then
Redim Preserve arrShop(4, n)
arrShop(0,n) = item 'code
arrTemp = Split(Request.Cookies(item), ","
Dim m
For m = 0 to 3
LINE 15 ---> arrShop(m, n) = arrTemp(m) 'Title, Format, Quant, Price
Next 'm
n = n + 1
End If
End If
Next 'n