I've got a strange problem with on of my test servers.
On my development server, a report which contains 7 subreports works fine, however when I deploy it onto my test server the sub reports doesn't appear on the main report.
If I open the sub reports individually, then they all work fine. Also, when I open up the report in Visual Studio on the test server, it works fine.
This seems to point to a reporting services problem, but I'm all patched up and the other reports all work, so am at a loss to say what the problem is.
Anyone got any ideas?
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On my development server, a report which contains 7 subreports works fine, however when I deploy it onto my test server the sub reports doesn't appear on the main report.
If I open the sub reports individually, then they all work fine. Also, when I open up the report in Visual Studio on the test server, it works fine.
This seems to point to a reporting services problem, but I'm all patched up and the other reports all work, so am at a loss to say what the problem is.
Anyone got any ideas?
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