i have 4 subreports & when I linked them together in DETAIL SECTION & refresh them. It give 16 reports 4-4 same reports of all subreports.What should i do?
If I recall correctly,Subs in a Detail will run once FOR EACH RECORD that is returned for that group - probably not what you want...
Try placing your sub-reports in the Group Footer instead..
To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."
Its still not weorking. actually I have a report which is grpued by INCOME like"Low/Very Low/VeryVeryLow/High.
When I insert this report in subreport it splits into 4 detail sections with low,VeryLow etc. If I creat a group again & group by income. The group footer gives me VeryVeryLow Income Clients No High Incimew clients.& Group Header gives me Only Low Income clients.
I think thqat you should consider posting technical; information:
Crystal version
Database/connectivity used
Example dtaa
Expected output
If you speak of subreports, include what you are linking on, and where in the main report they are presented, and what their purpose is.
What Turk was alluding to is that a subreport is linked by something, that is if you're in the details or a group section, and will fire for every row within whatever section you place it.
So if the main report has four distinct enetities returned for the group, the subreport returns data 4 times.
You state what you don't want, but not what you do.
Show the data, and whaat the subreports are supposed to do, and keep in mind that subreports are inefficient and to be avoided whenever possible.
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