Oct 3, 2005 #1 roswelltx Technical User Aug 31, 2005 21 US Is it possible to create a formula that will divide one total from the main report with a total on a subreport. Can this even be done? Thanks, Regina
Is it possible to create a formula that will divide one total from the main report with a total on a subreport. Can this even be done? Thanks, Regina
Oct 3, 2005 #2 GJParker Programmer Jul 4, 2002 1,614 GB Yes, this can be done by using shared variables. Create a formula on your subreport to assign the total to a varibale i.e. //@SubTotal WhilePrintingRecords; Shared NumberVar SRTotal := {TotalField}; Then this can be used in your main report and added to your main report total i.e. //@GrandTotal WhilePrintingRecords; Shared NumberVar SRTotal; {MainReportTotalField} + SRTotal The grand totalformula will only work if it is placed ina section after/below the subreport section. HTH Gary Parker MIS Data Analyst Manchester, England Upvote 0 Downvote
Yes, this can be done by using shared variables. Create a formula on your subreport to assign the total to a varibale i.e. //@SubTotal WhilePrintingRecords; Shared NumberVar SRTotal := {TotalField}; Then this can be used in your main report and added to your main report total i.e. //@GrandTotal WhilePrintingRecords; Shared NumberVar SRTotal; {MainReportTotalField} + SRTotal The grand totalformula will only work if it is placed ina section after/below the subreport section. HTH Gary Parker MIS Data Analyst Manchester, England
Oct 3, 2005 Thread starter #3 roswelltx Technical User Aug 31, 2005 21 US awesome thanks Gary!!!! Upvote 0 Downvote