I'll preface this by saying I'm still pretty new to all the abilites of CR (currently using CRXI).
My primary goal here is to speed up this report as I generate a pdf.
I have a report that lists some detail records (in "Details a"). If a particular field exists, I have a subreport in "Details b" that shows some additional detail (expanding on the record in "Details a").
I know by a field in the "Details a" record whether I need the subreport displayed -- and want to suppress the subreport (for speed) when no records exist.
The first way I did this (try#1) was: under Report Options of the subreport - I checked the Suppress Printing if No Records Option.
Then, I searched the forum and found a second way(try#2): I went to the Section Expert on the main report and under the Suppress Blank Section option, I added the code:
Both ways give me the results I am looking for.
My understanding is that my try#1 evaulates the subreport every time, but in try#2 -- the subreport is only evaluated(and displayed) if the supression code allows it. So, I expected a large performance gain -- but saw no performance gain at all.
Any suggestions?
My primary goal here is to speed up this report as I generate a pdf.
I have a report that lists some detail records (in "Details a"). If a particular field exists, I have a subreport in "Details b" that shows some additional detail (expanding on the record in "Details a").
I know by a field in the "Details a" record whether I need the subreport displayed -- and want to suppress the subreport (for speed) when no records exist.
The first way I did this (try#1) was: under Report Options of the subreport - I checked the Suppress Printing if No Records Option.
Then, I searched the forum and found a second way(try#2): I went to the Section Expert on the main report and under the Suppress Blank Section option, I added the code:
{test_spclPricing.OPTION TO}=""
Both ways give me the results I am looking for.
My understanding is that my try#1 evaulates the subreport every time, but in try#2 -- the subreport is only evaluated(and displayed) if the supression code allows it. So, I expected a large performance gain -- but saw no performance gain at all.
Any suggestions?