I have a report that will print line-item details of any number of timesheets, and I want a summary by Job of the jobs they worked on after each change in worker.
Primary Tables:
Sort order of Main report: WorkerID, TSID, EntryID
So, for each change in WorkerID, I want a section summarizing the data for that section (which is always one worker, but may be more than one Timesheet), by JobID. For example:
I've tried using a subreport in the WorkerID Footer section, but can't figure out how to get the subreport to only include data appropriate for that section.
Primary Tables:
tblTSHeader (TSID, WorkerID, ...)
tblTSDetail (EntryID, TSID, TSDate, JobID, HrsReg, HrsOT1, HrsOT2 ...)
Sort order of Main report: WorkerID, TSID, EntryID
So, for each change in WorkerID, I want a section summarizing the data for that section (which is always one worker, but may be more than one Timesheet), by JobID. For example:
JobID HrsReg HrsOT1 ...
1-100 25 4
1-220 17 3
2-120 4 0
TOTAL 46 7
I've tried using a subreport in the WorkerID Footer section, but can't figure out how to get the subreport to only include data appropriate for that section.