I have the following formula in a subreport and I cam getting an error "The remaining text does not appear to be a part of this formula", right before the last line of code. The error is right before the [red]red text[/red].
I must have some brain lock - I cannot figure this out. Any assistance appreciated.
Shared Stringvar Comments;
If shared stringvar TrxType:="AP" then stringvar Comments:={IMINVTRX_SQL.Ord_No} else
If shared stringvar TrxType:="PR" then stringvar Comments:={IMINVTRX_SQL.Doc_Ord_No} else
If shared stringvar TrxType:="GL" then stringvar Comments:="GL" else
If shared stringvar TrxType:="IM" then stringvar Comments:={IMINVTRX_SQL.Comment}
[red]Shared Stringvar Comments;[/red]
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Exact Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
I must have some brain lock - I cannot figure this out. Any assistance appreciated.
Shared Stringvar Comments;
If shared stringvar TrxType:="AP" then stringvar Comments:={IMINVTRX_SQL.Ord_No} else
If shared stringvar TrxType:="PR" then stringvar Comments:={IMINVTRX_SQL.Doc_Ord_No} else
If shared stringvar TrxType:="GL" then stringvar Comments:="GL" else
If shared stringvar TrxType:="IM" then stringvar Comments:={IMINVTRX_SQL.Comment}
[red]Shared Stringvar Comments;[/red]
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Exact Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports