I would like to create a report that has a subreport. I would like to use two parameter crosstab queries - 1 for the main report and a 2nd one for the subreport.
First, when I tried to insert a subreport control into the main report the crosstab query fields would not show up in the wizard. I then created a separate report using the 2nd crosstab query. I inserted the second report into the main report.
When I first tried to run the report, I got a pass-through query error. I found a microsoft KB article that had a suggested work around - on the main form_Onload property I inserted the following code:
Private Sub Report_Load()
Me!rptDeptEvalSubReport.Report.RecordSource= "qryDeptEvalSubQuery"
End Sub
Now,when I run the report, the main report will run, but I get the following error relating to the subreport:
Object doesn't support this property or method.
I'm not sure how to approach this.
Thank you for any suggestions.
I would like to create a report that has a subreport. I would like to use two parameter crosstab queries - 1 for the main report and a 2nd one for the subreport.
First, when I tried to insert a subreport control into the main report the crosstab query fields would not show up in the wizard. I then created a separate report using the 2nd crosstab query. I inserted the second report into the main report.
When I first tried to run the report, I got a pass-through query error. I found a microsoft KB article that had a suggested work around - on the main form_Onload property I inserted the following code:
Private Sub Report_Load()
Me!rptDeptEvalSubReport.Report.RecordSource= "qryDeptEvalSubQuery"
End Sub
Now,when I run the report, the main report will run, but I get the following error relating to the subreport:
Object doesn't support this property or method.
I'm not sure how to approach this.
Thank you for any suggestions.