Same report as post above, different problem. My subreport will not accept more than 2 or three selections from each parameter. I can choose one from every parameter and it works. I can choose "Germany" from Country parameter and it works and I can choose "USA" and "germany" from country parameter and it works, and I can choose "CHINA" and it works-- but if I choose "USA" "GERMANY" AND "CHINA"-- all three countries at once, then Crystal says it encounters an error and shuts down. If I suppress the subreport and run it the same way again, there is no error.
I have already tried reinstalling Crystal.
Only the fragrance parameter will accept several values in the subreport. If I suppress the subreport- I never have this problem, so I know it is related to the subreport. The selection criteria for the subreport and cntr report are in the thread above. (That thread was getting long.)
I tried changing the selection criteria in the subreport from " = " to "IN":
(if {?Pm-?Style} <> "ALL" then {IM_90_UDF_IM_Masterfile.LB_UDF_IMH_STYLE} IN
{?Pm-?Style} else if {?Pm-?Style} = "ALL" then true)
but I still got the error.
The subreport is linked to the container report by each parameter.
Thanks in advance,
Same report as post above, different problem. My subreport will not accept more than 2 or three selections from each parameter. I can choose one from every parameter and it works. I can choose "Germany" from Country parameter and it works and I can choose "USA" and "germany" from country parameter and it works, and I can choose "CHINA" and it works-- but if I choose "USA" "GERMANY" AND "CHINA"-- all three countries at once, then Crystal says it encounters an error and shuts down. If I suppress the subreport and run it the same way again, there is no error.
I have already tried reinstalling Crystal.
Only the fragrance parameter will accept several values in the subreport. If I suppress the subreport- I never have this problem, so I know it is related to the subreport. The selection criteria for the subreport and cntr report are in the thread above. (That thread was getting long.)
I tried changing the selection criteria in the subreport from " = " to "IN":
(if {?Pm-?Style} <> "ALL" then {IM_90_UDF_IM_Masterfile.LB_UDF_IMH_STYLE} IN
{?Pm-?Style} else if {?Pm-?Style} = "ALL" then true)
but I still got the error.
The subreport is linked to the container report by each parameter.
Thanks in advance,