How can I insert a page footer on a subreport? We're using Crystal Reports 11 and I understand Crystal Reports doesn't support this per say, but is there a work around to get a line of text to appear at the bottom of each page?
Thank you.
by the way, I neglected to specifically mention that the "footer" HAS to appear on each page, not just when the group breaks. I'm currently using the "fake" group to print the header on each page, but this may not print the page footer on each page.
Thanks again.
You can use the page footer in the main report and adjust some value so that it is different when the subreoprt is being printed. You could use a Variable for that and set it in the section above the section with the subreport.
Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Crystal 11.5 with SQL and Windows XP
That works but I neglected to mention that I have multiple subreports in the main report and only want that footer to appear in that specific subreport only.
I have a parameter in the main report I can use with a new formula, but that parameter allows the user to select any report or all reports. If the user selects just that particular report, then we're good, however if the user selects to run them all, that footer prints on all. Not sure how to resolve this.
//{@true} to be placed in the section containing the subreport that requires the special page footer:
booleanvar flag := true;
//{@false} to be placed in the section immediately after the one containing the specific subreport, e.g., if the sub is in GF#1, place this in the corresponding group header, GH#1 (the next section that will print, if it exists) and the Report Footer (the next section after the last group):
booleanvar flag := false;
Set up Page Footer_a for the rest of the report, and then set up Page Footer_b for the specific sub. In the section expert->Page Footer_a->suppress->x+2 and enter:
booleanvar flag;
flag = true;//note no colon
Then select Page Footer_b->suppress->x+2 and enter:
booleanvar flag;
flag = false;//note no colon
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