I have a report with 10 or 11 subreports. When building the string to serve to a web page, I can't get past adding 5 subreports to the report without the enterprise server choaking on something. It doesn't matter which of the five subreports I add.
This repport runs without a glitch in the design environment but fails when served via enterprise manager.
Here's where it gets a little freaky. The report runs and loads completely. Everything 'seems' OK, but when the user clicks another link on my site after viewing and closing the report, IIS as lost sesion ID and reassigned a new one, make my user reauthenticate and log back in.
This doesn't happen with any other the other reports on my web site.
This repport runs without a glitch in the design environment but fails when served via enterprise manager.
Here's where it gets a little freaky. The report runs and loads completely. Everything 'seems' OK, but when the user clicks another link on my site after viewing and closing the report, IIS as lost sesion ID and reassigned a new one, make my user reauthenticate and log back in.
This doesn't happen with any other the other reports on my web site.