Hello All,
I am passing two values from the Main Report to a subreport as follows:
***** Main Report ****
shared numbervar MainVal1 :={#RTotal1};
shared numbervar MainVal2 :={@CurrentPRTMSum};
**** Declaring the following in subreport ****
shared numbervar MainVal1;
shared numbervar MainVal2;
@CurrentDollarPRTM is:
if MainVal1 = 0 then 0 else
({@CurrentDollarBCWS}/ MainVal1) * MainVal2;
Formula @CurrentDollarPRTM works fine. However when I go to Field Explorer and browse the data there is NO data showing. Also when I try to Summarize the formaula @CurrentDollarPRTM, I don't see the formula in the Insert->Summary.
What could be going wrong? Thanks for your help.
I am passing two values from the Main Report to a subreport as follows:
***** Main Report ****
shared numbervar MainVal1 :={#RTotal1};
shared numbervar MainVal2 :={@CurrentPRTMSum};
**** Declaring the following in subreport ****
shared numbervar MainVal1;
shared numbervar MainVal2;
@CurrentDollarPRTM is:
if MainVal1 = 0 then 0 else
({@CurrentDollarBCWS}/ MainVal1) * MainVal2;
Formula @CurrentDollarPRTM works fine. However when I go to Field Explorer and browse the data there is NO data showing. Also when I try to Summarize the formaula @CurrentDollarPRTM, I don't see the formula in the Insert->Summary.
What could be going wrong? Thanks for your help.