Background: CR 8 runtime -- .rpt saved as either v 7 or 8 doesn't matter. Windows 2000. VB app with CRW runtime / MS Access MDB.
Issue: Made a simple textbox text change to a subreport to update clients GST number (rpt is an invoice). The field no longer prints. Previews fine. Prints on a laser fine. Problem only seems to affect the multiform printers. Ultimately tried rebuilding the subreport from scratch and the problem just goes from bad to worse -- half the labels won't print. Seems at some point the report just gives up and refuses to print any more text fields.
Saving the subreport to a file and printing it works... Seems to be limited to an issue as a subreport, and printing to impact printers (panasonic / epson).
Issue: Made a simple textbox text change to a subreport to update clients GST number (rpt is an invoice). The field no longer prints. Previews fine. Prints on a laser fine. Problem only seems to affect the multiform printers. Ultimately tried rebuilding the subreport from scratch and the problem just goes from bad to worse -- half the labels won't print. Seems at some point the report just gives up and refuses to print any more text fields.
Saving the subreport to a file and printing it works... Seems to be limited to an issue as a subreport, and printing to impact printers (panasonic / epson).