I'm trying to link a subreport based on a view but I'm having trouble setting the links correctly for the one-to-many condition.
It worked OK in Access but I don't understand how to do this in Crystal.
Here's my View for the main report:
vwHotBills_rev.BillNum, vwHotBills_rev.Sponsor, vwHotBills_rev.Title, vwHotBills_rev.CommitteeDate, vwHotBills_rev.OriginalCommittee, vwHotBills_rev.BAMCode, vwHotBills_rev.BillMemoCode, vwHotBills_rev.ActionCode, vwHotBills_rev.Analyst, vwHotBills_rev.Bill99Code, vwHotBills_rev.SenateNum, vwHotBills_rev.Requester, vwHotBills_rev.Comment
BT2001.dbo.vwHotBills_rev vwHotBills_rev
Now, my field for the one-to-many is Analyst; there may be many Analysts assigned to one BillNum (linking field).
From my subreport, which is based upon this same view, if I go to the Analyst field that I want, the Selection Formula based upon the links that I set is:
{vwHotBills_rev.BillNum} = {?Pm-vwHotBills_rev.BillNum}
{vwHotBills_rev.Analyst} = {?Pm-vwHotBills_rev.Analyst}
I'm not getting the many condition to show up on the report.
Any suggestions?
It worked OK in Access but I don't understand how to do this in Crystal.
Here's my View for the main report:
vwHotBills_rev.BillNum, vwHotBills_rev.Sponsor, vwHotBills_rev.Title, vwHotBills_rev.CommitteeDate, vwHotBills_rev.OriginalCommittee, vwHotBills_rev.BAMCode, vwHotBills_rev.BillMemoCode, vwHotBills_rev.ActionCode, vwHotBills_rev.Analyst, vwHotBills_rev.Bill99Code, vwHotBills_rev.SenateNum, vwHotBills_rev.Requester, vwHotBills_rev.Comment
BT2001.dbo.vwHotBills_rev vwHotBills_rev
Now, my field for the one-to-many is Analyst; there may be many Analysts assigned to one BillNum (linking field).
From my subreport, which is based upon this same view, if I go to the Analyst field that I want, the Selection Formula based upon the links that I set is:
{vwHotBills_rev.BillNum} = {?Pm-vwHotBills_rev.BillNum}
{vwHotBills_rev.Analyst} = {?Pm-vwHotBills_rev.Analyst}
I'm not getting the many condition to show up on the report.
Any suggestions?