Greetings all, I think I have a pretty solid understanding of the basics of subnetting but if you dont mind looking at my ideas and commenting on any wrong ideas I have id appricate it.
Lets say I am using the following subnet mask:
Applied to this ip address:
(A valid internet address class A Address)
Would the following be true:
Network ID = 12
Subnet ID = 190.195.128
Host ID = 18
Subnet bits = 17
number of subnets = 510
users per subnet = 126
broadcast = 127
Here is how i figured my answer:
First I broke both address down into binary and multiplied them together resulting in the network ID:
11111111 11111111 11111111 10000000 (subnet mask)
00001100 10111110 11000011 00010010 (IP Address)
00001100 10111110 11000011 00000000 (Result)
12.190.195 (Decimal format result network ID)
now that I have my result I determine that the first octet is the internet Network ID Because it is 12 leaving me with 190.195 as the Subnet ID. and then 18 is the host ID because the last 7 bits in the last octet are the only valid host ids right? Because the first 8 bits are for network Id, the next 17 bits are subnet id, and the remaining 7 bits are host id. Using that logic if I had an ip address that looked like this: with the same subnet mask as before
11111111 11111111 11111111 10000000 (subnet mask)
00001100 10111110 11000011 11010010 (IP Address)
this would yield the following:
network id = 12
subnet id = 190.195
host id = 82 or (the remaining 7 bits 1010010 in binary)
I know this seems like an odd question, I am working on a linux cluster (for fun), whats wrong with me? anyway I just wanna make sure I have my TCP/IP theories down pact before plugging everything together. I have been reading information about TCP/IP online but im not quite sure everything is clicking quite right. Am I thinking correctly here does what im saying make sense? please let me know, feed back appricated thanks!!
Lets say I am using the following subnet mask:
Applied to this ip address:
(A valid internet address class A Address)
Would the following be true:
Network ID = 12
Subnet ID = 190.195.128
Host ID = 18
Subnet bits = 17
number of subnets = 510
users per subnet = 126
broadcast = 127
Here is how i figured my answer:
First I broke both address down into binary and multiplied them together resulting in the network ID:
11111111 11111111 11111111 10000000 (subnet mask)
00001100 10111110 11000011 00010010 (IP Address)
00001100 10111110 11000011 00000000 (Result)
12.190.195 (Decimal format result network ID)
now that I have my result I determine that the first octet is the internet Network ID Because it is 12 leaving me with 190.195 as the Subnet ID. and then 18 is the host ID because the last 7 bits in the last octet are the only valid host ids right? Because the first 8 bits are for network Id, the next 17 bits are subnet id, and the remaining 7 bits are host id. Using that logic if I had an ip address that looked like this: with the same subnet mask as before
11111111 11111111 11111111 10000000 (subnet mask)
00001100 10111110 11000011 11010010 (IP Address)
this would yield the following:
network id = 12
subnet id = 190.195
host id = 82 or (the remaining 7 bits 1010010 in binary)
I know this seems like an odd question, I am working on a linux cluster (for fun), whats wrong with me? anyway I just wanna make sure I have my TCP/IP theories down pact before plugging everything together. I have been reading information about TCP/IP online but im not quite sure everything is clicking quite right. Am I thinking correctly here does what im saying make sense? please let me know, feed back appricated thanks!!