I have a customer who has a class a private network setup. I have been given static IP addresses of - 75 / for my phone systems to use. I was given a VPN connection using PPTP to program them offsite using port 4000. Over the summer they changed some things around, like got rid of the company handling their network. Since then I can no longer remotely program my systems. If I connect to their network onsite I get an IP something like 10.1.20.xxx/ I cannot connect to my systems. When I VPN into their network I get an IP something like 10.38.25.xxx/, still the same, cannot connect on port 4000. The new IT guy says your problem is that your systems are using the wrong subnet, change it to and all will fine. Well he was wrong. My thoughts are that he has a firewall or a router that will not allow port 4000 through. I can get to the http server on all the phone systems no matter where I connect in. Can someone comment on this to see if the guy is just blowing smoke?
Thanks Alot
Thanks Alot