In a report I have 3 Groups of People. In each group are Grouped Responses, which are a possibility of 5 Responses. These Grouped Responses have a Number of Responses. There is a Group People Footer in which I “Subtotal” all the Responses per Group. There is also a Report Footer with a “Grand Total” of Responses which equals 289 per example below. My control source for both “Subtotal” and “Grand Total” in both People Footer and Report Footer is =Sum([CountOfTakeResponse]) I want to display the Percentage Rate within each Group of the Responses. For example Group A: Response 1 has 5 records which is 9% of 55; 10 is 18% of 55; 5 is 9% of 55; 12 is 22% of 55 and 23 is 42% of 55. The control source for the Text Box “Percent Rate (%)” in the detail section along side the Response is: =([CountOfTakeResponse]/Sum([CountOfTakeResponse]))*1 However, the Percent Rate displayed is based off of the Grand Total of 289, not of the Group Subtotal, ie 55. How can I get the Percentages to reflect the Group Subtotal and not the Grand Total?
Group A: Response 1 = 5, Response 2 = 10, Response 3 = 5, Response 4 = 12, Response 5 = 23; Subtotal: 55
Group B: Response 1 = 23, Response 2 = 18, Response 3 = 5, Response 4 = 8, Response 5 = 14; Subtotal: 68
Group C: Response 1 = 21, Response 2 = 10, Response 3 = 8, Response 4 = 112, Response 5 = 15; Subtotal: 166
Thanks for any comments. Curtis
Group A: Response 1 = 5, Response 2 = 10, Response 3 = 5, Response 4 = 12, Response 5 = 23; Subtotal: 55
Group B: Response 1 = 23, Response 2 = 18, Response 3 = 5, Response 4 = 8, Response 5 = 14; Subtotal: 68
Group C: Response 1 = 21, Response 2 = 10, Response 3 = 8, Response 4 = 112, Response 5 = 15; Subtotal: 166
Thanks for any comments. Curtis