please I need your help !!!! Some words before: I use a special "subdomain feature" on a virtual server and now I would like to use it also on my new own dedicated server. Unfortunately the provider of my virtual server don´t give me the needed special conf file. ( I will name it her subdomain.conf)
The thing is working very easy and you can setup in fly subdomains
without email, ftp account etc.
To create a subdomain you have just to create a new directory in the ftp
account and all is ready - no work through control panels or on the server no
seperate accounts - that´s very fine!
I have several domains with name based IP - Unix, RedHat 7.3, Apache
I want make this feature above avaiable to some domains.
For that I have to do the following things for each domain:
1.) I have to add a wildcard CName record in DNS
*.domain.com CNAME
2.) I have to edit - vhost.conf
and I have to add this lines to vhost.conf
ServerAlias *.1001reisen.de
Include /usr/local/psa/apache/conf/subdomain.conf
That´s all no problem, but my problem is the subdomain.conf file.
It is a serverwide working file locate and to create at this path
It is a one time setup, because this file will not be edit again for
each domain.
So I assume the content must have variables that
tell the server automatically ( redirect, forwarding or what ever) that
created subdirectories in the
ftp account are subdomains and point it right.
Somebody told me I will need mod_vost_alias. And I must only
give an appropriate path template, this will than substitute
DocumentRoot and maps
so per choosen domain the used DocumentRoot.
I don´t know whether this is right or not, because I have not any
knowledge about this things.
At least I would need somebody who give me the just the content, the
lines I have to write
in this subdomain.conf file because I can not develop it by myself.
And maybe also additional necessary files ( templates etc.)
Please can you help me and sorry about my bad english ?
Thank you!
Rai Paul
please I need your help !!!! Some words before: I use a special "subdomain feature" on a virtual server and now I would like to use it also on my new own dedicated server. Unfortunately the provider of my virtual server don´t give me the needed special conf file. ( I will name it her subdomain.conf)
The thing is working very easy and you can setup in fly subdomains
without email, ftp account etc.
To create a subdomain you have just to create a new directory in the ftp
account and all is ready - no work through control panels or on the server no
seperate accounts - that´s very fine!
I have several domains with name based IP - Unix, RedHat 7.3, Apache
I want make this feature above avaiable to some domains.
For that I have to do the following things for each domain:
1.) I have to add a wildcard CName record in DNS
*.domain.com CNAME
2.) I have to edit - vhost.conf
and I have to add this lines to vhost.conf
ServerAlias *.1001reisen.de
Include /usr/local/psa/apache/conf/subdomain.conf
That´s all no problem, but my problem is the subdomain.conf file.
It is a serverwide working file locate and to create at this path
It is a one time setup, because this file will not be edit again for
each domain.
So I assume the content must have variables that
tell the server automatically ( redirect, forwarding or what ever) that
created subdirectories in the
ftp account are subdomains and point it right.
Somebody told me I will need mod_vost_alias. And I must only
give an appropriate path template, this will than substitute
DocumentRoot and maps
so per choosen domain the used DocumentRoot.
I don´t know whether this is right or not, because I have not any
knowledge about this things.
At least I would need somebody who give me the just the content, the
lines I have to write
in this subdomain.conf file because I can not develop it by myself.
And maybe also additional necessary files ( templates etc.)
Please can you help me and sorry about my bad english ?
Thank you!
Rai Paul