I've created a report in crystal XI which includes two sub reports. When I run the report, sub report two starts on the second page even though report header a and b only take up 45% of page 1. I would expect report header c to start on page 1 and take up the remaining 55% of the page.
Report Header A - This section includes standard text and is taking up 35% of page 1.
Report Header B - This section includes a sub report and is taking up 15% of page 1
Report Header C - This section includes a sub report and is taking up 4 pages but starting on the second page and not directly under report header b on page 1.
I've made sure that both the main report and the sub report have "Keep object together" unchecked and NEW PAGE AFTER and NEW PAGE BEFORE is not selected in the section expert.
All help is greatly appreciated
Report Header A - This section includes standard text and is taking up 35% of page 1.
Report Header B - This section includes a sub report and is taking up 15% of page 1
Report Header C - This section includes a sub report and is taking up 4 pages but starting on the second page and not directly under report header b on page 1.
I've made sure that both the main report and the sub report have "Keep object together" unchecked and NEW PAGE AFTER and NEW PAGE BEFORE is not selected in the section expert.
All help is greatly appreciated