There appears to be a limit on the number of sub reports that can be included on a main report. I currently need to include 30 on a report. 25 appears to be the limit. Is there any way to increase the number of sub reports allowed or is there a work around?
I'd bet there's another way to go about this. If you describe what you're doing, I'll bet someone here can come up with a way to make it happen more smoothly than this.
Jeremy =============
Jeremy Wallace
Designing, Developing, and Deploying Access Databases Since 1995
If these subreports only include a single textbox of data, consider using a DLookup function. Here is an example that will get the department number (fldDeptNo) for an individual person in a table called tblEmployees (with a key called fldSSN, appearing on the detail line as txtSSN). This gets sent back to a textbox added to the detail line (as Control Source):
=DLookUp("[fldDeptNo]","tblEmployees","[fldSSN]='" & [txtSSN] & "')
' this example presumes the key value is string.
' if the key value is numeric, the single quotes
' must be removed HTH,
Randy Smith
California Teachers Association
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