I dont know that this is the correct forum, but if it isn't could you either A. Point me in the right direction or B. If you have the answer, could you please give it to me 
In IE7/Netscape and Firefox..I can add a tag with a custom "class" attribute and then modify the components that use that class via a style sheet. In IE 6 the style sheet isn't picked up when the page is returned to the browser.. ANy help or advice appreciated..
(in the asp/aspx)
and in the style sheet..
Should give me
"[red]Cool Red[/red]" but in IE6 I get "Cool Red
In IE7/Netscape and Firefox..I can add a tag with a custom "class" attribute and then modify the components that use that class via a style sheet. In IE 6 the style sheet isn't picked up when the page is returned to the browser.. ANy help or advice appreciated..
(in the asp/aspx)
response.write "<div class='_custClass'>Cool Red</div>"
Should give me
"[red]Cool Red[/red]" but in IE6 I get "Cool Red