Hey everyone!<br><br>I know this isn't javascript related, but I didn't know where else to ask my question...I'm working with cascading style sheets right now, and I was wondering if anyone ever worked with these "classes" in it...I want to use some specific styles, but not to a particular tag...I would like to be able to use it with anything. (ex: with <p>, <div>, etc) I've tried it like this:<br><br>[in style sheet] .text {font-weight:bold;<br> font-color:#000040 }<br><br>[in html doc] <p class=".text">...blabla </p><br><br>This is suppose to work, but I don't have the results I want...anybody know anything about this type of class or any other way I could do this? Thank you soooo much! <br><br>daph