I'm getting the dreaded "A subscript must be between 1 and the size of the array" error. Searching for that error produces many results and I know what's causing it but I just can't figure out why in this case.
Handed an old report at my new job and told a) understand how it works and b) fix
CR version 11
ODBC connection to MS SQL
Date field defined as either typing in or by clicking on dates in pop up box
(Start Date: 12/01/2008. End Date: 12/07/2008)
Formula: CommDailyServiceLevel
shared numbervar array COMMDailyServiceLevel;
COMMDailyServiceLevel[tonumber(right({@End Date}, 2))];
In the error description it has all relevant info:
{@End Date} = "20081207"
var COMMDailyServiceLevel: []
exp tonumber(right({@End Date],2): 7
So... I'm trying to create an array from 1 to 7 (in this example) and it's choking on something. Does the array need to be initialized first? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance for any assistance!
Handed an old report at my new job and told a) understand how it works and b) fix
CR version 11
ODBC connection to MS SQL
Date field defined as either typing in or by clicking on dates in pop up box
(Start Date: 12/01/2008. End Date: 12/07/2008)
Formula: CommDailyServiceLevel
shared numbervar array COMMDailyServiceLevel;
COMMDailyServiceLevel[tonumber(right({@End Date}, 2))];
In the error description it has all relevant info:
{@End Date} = "20081207"
var COMMDailyServiceLevel: []
exp tonumber(right({@End Date],2): 7
So... I'm trying to create an array from 1 to 7 (in this example) and it's choking on something. Does the array need to be initialized first? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance for any assistance!