Getting what looks to be high ASCII charactors printed on the top 7-10 lines of the page.
Networked printer, the G3 running OSX is conencting to it via IP printing.
Error occurs while using all applications (Photoshop, Illustrator, Word, Acrobat, Mail, Outlook 4.5..)
I've already removed and reinstalled the printers. Tried updating the drivers, I'm downloading a OSX service pack - that's supposed to have a fix for this in here (although I've heard that it may not solve this).
Would ideally like help on:
* Can I ever totally remove a printer/drivers from the Print Center? Or Can I search for the preference files and wipe out all traces of the damned thing & later reinstall the printer?
* Are the printing preferences for each application stored in a separate file, or is there one master file that I can edit/kill/replace?
Any other suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks again!
Networked printer, the G3 running OSX is conencting to it via IP printing.
Error occurs while using all applications (Photoshop, Illustrator, Word, Acrobat, Mail, Outlook 4.5..)
I've already removed and reinstalled the printers. Tried updating the drivers, I'm downloading a OSX service pack - that's supposed to have a fix for this in here (although I've heard that it may not solve this).
Would ideally like help on:
* Can I ever totally remove a printer/drivers from the Print Center? Or Can I search for the preference files and wipe out all traces of the damned thing & later reinstall the printer?
* Are the printing preferences for each application stored in a separate file, or is there one master file that I can edit/kill/replace?
Any other suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks again!