I've had an MTS object working fine for about a week: Suddenly it's going weird, and if I've changed anything I can't think what it may be.<br><br>The class is written in vb. It's a regular stateful class which I've made stateless by taking its variables and properties and putting them into a string which gets passed back and forth between the client and the server on specific calls.<br><br>However, now whenever I access one particular property (which happens to be a date property) for the second time (!) I get "Method '~' of object '~' failed". When running in debug it identifies this as being "Method 'Intro_Date' of object '_cContact' failed", and when you put the object into debug as well the point of failure is when the property exits.<br><br>the first time it works: The second time it fails as above: The third time it says "The stub received bad data".<br><br>The metadata string gets passed back and forth the whole time. The class receives it as a variant, but converts it to a string once it arrives.<br><br>Any clues?