I have a javascript function that will move the cursor focus from one text field to the next when the max length of the text field is reached. This javascript works fine on basic html. My problem is that my component is within iteration and nesting. This script can not find my component. I have tried many different options. I have given a snippet of the code in my jsp.
Thanks in advance for the assistance!
<nested:iterate id="param" property="parameterData">
<th valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" >
<b><nested:write property="displayName"/></b>
<nested:equal value="D" property="dataType">
<nested:nest property="parameterDateValue">
<nested:text property="month" styleId="month"
maxlength="2" size="2"
onkeydown="TabField(this,'down',2)" /> /
<nested:text property="day" styleId="day"
maxlength="2" size="2"
onkeydown="TabField(this,'down',2)" /> /
<nested:text property="year" styleId="year"
maxlength="4" size="4" />
I have a javascript function that will move the cursor focus from one text field to the next when the max length of the text field is reached. This javascript works fine on basic html. My problem is that my component is within iteration and nesting. This script can not find my component. I have tried many different options. I have given a snippet of the code in my jsp.
Thanks in advance for the assistance!
<nested:iterate id="param" property="parameterData">
<th valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" >
<b><nested:write property="displayName"/></b>
<nested:equal value="D" property="dataType">
<nested:nest property="parameterDateValue">
<nested:text property="month" styleId="month"
maxlength="2" size="2"
onkeydown="TabField(this,'down',2)" /> /
<nested:text property="day" styleId="day"
maxlength="2" size="2"
onkeydown="TabField(this,'down',2)" /> /
<nested:text property="year" styleId="year"
maxlength="4" size="4" />