can you tell me the error here? gcc (im using linux) says i have more than one type def in the struct declaration... i dun see how but then again, thats why im learning
int count;
struct entry
char fname[19];
char lname[19];
char phnum[10];
struct entry list[3];
int main(void)
for(count=0; count<4; count++)
printf("\n\nEnter Name of Person %d\n>>", count+1);
scanf("%s %s", list[count].fname, list[count].lname);
printf("\nEnter Phone Nmber (w/ hyphen)\n>>"
scanf("%s", list[count].phnum);
for(count=0; count<4; count++);
printf("\nName: %s %s\t\tPhone: %s\n", list[count].fname, list[count].lname, list[count].phnum);
return 0;
int count;
struct entry
char fname[19];
char lname[19];
char phnum[10];
struct entry list[3];
int main(void)
for(count=0; count<4; count++)
printf("\n\nEnter Name of Person %d\n>>", count+1);
scanf("%s %s", list[count].fname, list[count].lname);
printf("\nEnter Phone Nmber (w/ hyphen)\n>>"
scanf("%s", list[count].phnum);
for(count=0; count<4; count++);
printf("\nName: %s %s\t\tPhone: %s\n", list[count].fname, list[count].lname, list[count].phnum);
return 0;