I am writing a kernel mode driver for Windows Vista. I want to use the strtok function. When I compile I get
LKN2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__strtok
Is strtok compatible with this version of the DDK?
I am using latest DDK. I have included string.h, and it compiles but won't link. Any ideas??
I am not aversed to writing a custom strtok function, and if anyone has a good example for me to follow that would also be a good solution.
I am string to take a string
and convert it to and array of ints, by parsing the string.
Charlie Benger-Stevenson
Hart Hill IT Ltd
LKN2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__strtok
Is strtok compatible with this version of the DDK?
I am using latest DDK. I have included string.h, and it compiles but won't link. Any ideas??
I am not aversed to writing a custom strtok function, and if anyone has a good example for me to follow that would also be a good solution.
I am string to take a string
and convert it to and array of ints, by parsing the string.
Charlie Benger-Stevenson
Hart Hill IT Ltd