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Stripping Format

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Technical User
Aug 1, 2000
On a telephone (text) field. Is there an easier way to remove the formating. I currently use a series of update queries using left(telephone)13, left(phone,3) left (6)right (4) ext. It takes about 5 queries to get rid of the (brackets) and xxx-hyphen. I am sure there must be a function which would strip away the format and only recognize the text.
Try this. Create a new function with this content:

Public Function PhoneParse(strIn As String) As String

PhoneParse = Mid(strIn, 2, 3)
PhoneParse = PhoneParse & Mid(strIn, 7, 3)
PhoneParse = PhoneParse & Mid(strIn, 11, 4)

End Function

In a field cell in you query use this:

Phone: IIf([PhoneNum] Is Null,"",PhoneParse([phonenum]))

Change "PhoneNum" to the field name for your phone number field.

Should do the trick for you.
Larry De Laruelle


In the spirit of alternatives I offer the following:

Public Function basOnlyNumChrs(strIn As String) As String

    'Debug.Print basOnlyNumChrs("(603) - 555.1212")

    Dim strTemp As String
    Dim MyChr As String * 1
    Dim MyUcChr As String * 1
    Dim Idx As Integer

    For Idx = 1 To Len(strIn)
        MyChr = Mid(strIn, Idx, 1)
        MyUcChr = UCase(MyChr)

        If (MyUcChr >= &quot;0&quot; And MyUcChr <= &quot;9&quot;) Then
            strTemp = strTemp & MyChr
        End If

    Next Idx

    basOnlyNumChrs = strTemp

End Function

Just because it is SO simplistic (and therefore probably not useful?), I am also offering the complimentary function

Public Function basOnlyAlph(strIn As String) As String

    'Print basOnlyAlph(&quot;this dOg haS 399.4217 FleAs&quot;)

    Dim strTemp As String
    Dim MyChr As String * 1
    Dim MyUcChr As String * 1
    Dim Idx As Integer

    For Idx = 1 To Len(strIn)
        MyChr = Mid(strIn, Idx, 1)
        MyUcChr = UCase(MyChr)

        If (MyUcChr >= &quot;A&quot; And MyUcChr <= &quot;Z&quot;) Then
            strTemp = strTemp & MyChr
        End If

    Next Idx

    basOnlyAlph = strTemp

End Function

P.S. Larry, I THINK kschomer was more or kless looking for a soloution which accepted a variety of input formats.

PPS, kschomer, uses Larrys' thing about putting the function in an update query.


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
Or, alternatively, if brevity is an issue, you could copy/paste this function to a module in Northwind:

Function removeit(thestuff As String) As String
'Name: removeit (Function)
'Purpose: Remove all non-numeric characters from a string
Dim strhold As String, intLen As Integer, n As Integer
strHold = RTrim(thestuff)
intLen = Len(strHold)
strHold = &quot;&quot;
For n = 1 To intLen
strHold = strHold & IIf(IsNumeric(Mid(thestuff, n, 1)), Mid(thestuff, n, 1), &quot;&quot;)
Next n
removeit = strHold
End Function

…and test it using this query to view the reformatted phone numbers in (table) Customers:

SELECT CompanyName, Phone, removeit([phone]) AS widget
FROM Customers;
Michael: I think I like your's better since it has more a more general application.

Raskew: Isn't the use of the Immediate If less efficient than a regular If, Then, Else statement? Not that it matters much on most systems/applications.

That's what I like about this stuff. Give three programmers the same problem and you'll probably get six different solutions.
Larry De Laruelle


Nice use of the IIF and the isnumeric. I have never really gotten into the IIF thing.


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
Am I missing something to this question?
If you need a value you can val(MyPhoneNumber(PhoneNumber) and get 1234567890 out of (123) 456-7890

Public Function MyPhoneNumber(sPhoneNumber As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim sNumber As String

For I = 1 To Len(sPhoneNumber)
If IsNumeric(Mid(sPhoneNumber, I, 1)) Then sNumber = sNumber & Mid(sPhoneNumber, I, 1)
Next I

MyPhoneNumber = sNumber
End Function
Don't forget the simplest of all approaches...

Set the FORMAT property of the field in your forms and store only numbers in the table.
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