Good Afternoon,
I'm trying to store a long string into a string variable, but it seems to only retain around 256 characters. In looking at the Access VB reference regarding String Data Types, it suggests that this data type will hold up to 64,000 characters. Am I misunderstanding? I've also tried to dim the variable as a variant, but that didn't help either. Maybe I'm populating the variable incorrectly. Here my code just in case.
strSQL = strSQL & "SELECT tblProduct_Line.str_product_line, " & _
"qrySupervisor.SuperName, qryAnalystLast.AnalystName, " & _
"tblSession_Head.dte_call_date, tblSession_Head.dte_review_date, " & _
"tblMethod.str_method_name "
'From statement
strSQL = "FROM (qrySupervisor INNER JOIN (qryAnalystLast INNER JOIN " & _
"(tblMethod INNER JOIN tblSession_Head ON tblMethod.lng_method_id = " & _
"tblSession_Head.lng_method_id) ON qryAnalystLast.lng_analyst_id = " & _
"tblSession_Head.lng_analyst_id) ON qrySupervisor.lng_analyst_id = " & _
"tblSession_Head.lng_cur_supervisor) INNER JOIN tblProduct_Line ON " & _
"qryAnalystLast.lng_product_line_id = tblProduct_Line.lng_product_line_id "
'Where statement
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (((tblSession_Head.dte_call_date) " & _
"Between #" & dteBegin & "# And #" & dteEnd & "#)) "
If Len(strSuper) > 1 Then
strSQL = strSQL & "AND (((tblSession_Head.lng_cur_supervisor) = " & lngSuperId & ") "
If Len(strProdLine) > 1 Then
strSQL = strSQL + "AND (((tblProduct_Line.lng_product_line_id) = '" & lngProdLineId & "')) "
End If
End If
'Group By statement
strSQL = strSQL & "GROUP BY tblProduct_Line.str_product_line, " & _
"qrySupervisor.SuperName, qryAnalystLast.AnalystName, " & _
"tblSession_Head.dte_call_date, tblSession_Head.dte_review_date, " & _
"tblMethod.str_method_name "
'Order By statement
strSQL = "ORDER BY "
If boolProdLine Then
strSQL = strSQL + "tblProduct_Line.str_product_line, "
End If
strSQL = strSQL + "qrySupervisor.SuperName, qryAnalystLast.AnalystName, " & _
"tblSession_Head.dte_call_date, " & _
"Format([tblSession_Head]![dte_call_date],'yyyy mm') DESC "
'Pivot statement
strPivot = "PIVOT Format([tblSession_Head]![dte_call_date],'yyyy mm');"
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Randy Johnston
I'm trying to store a long string into a string variable, but it seems to only retain around 256 characters. In looking at the Access VB reference regarding String Data Types, it suggests that this data type will hold up to 64,000 characters. Am I misunderstanding? I've also tried to dim the variable as a variant, but that didn't help either. Maybe I'm populating the variable incorrectly. Here my code just in case.
strSQL = strSQL & "SELECT tblProduct_Line.str_product_line, " & _
"qrySupervisor.SuperName, qryAnalystLast.AnalystName, " & _
"tblSession_Head.dte_call_date, tblSession_Head.dte_review_date, " & _
"tblMethod.str_method_name "
'From statement
strSQL = "FROM (qrySupervisor INNER JOIN (qryAnalystLast INNER JOIN " & _
"(tblMethod INNER JOIN tblSession_Head ON tblMethod.lng_method_id = " & _
"tblSession_Head.lng_method_id) ON qryAnalystLast.lng_analyst_id = " & _
"tblSession_Head.lng_analyst_id) ON qrySupervisor.lng_analyst_id = " & _
"tblSession_Head.lng_cur_supervisor) INNER JOIN tblProduct_Line ON " & _
"qryAnalystLast.lng_product_line_id = tblProduct_Line.lng_product_line_id "
'Where statement
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (((tblSession_Head.dte_call_date) " & _
"Between #" & dteBegin & "# And #" & dteEnd & "#)) "
If Len(strSuper) > 1 Then
strSQL = strSQL & "AND (((tblSession_Head.lng_cur_supervisor) = " & lngSuperId & ") "
If Len(strProdLine) > 1 Then
strSQL = strSQL + "AND (((tblProduct_Line.lng_product_line_id) = '" & lngProdLineId & "')) "
End If
End If
'Group By statement
strSQL = strSQL & "GROUP BY tblProduct_Line.str_product_line, " & _
"qrySupervisor.SuperName, qryAnalystLast.AnalystName, " & _
"tblSession_Head.dte_call_date, tblSession_Head.dte_review_date, " & _
"tblMethod.str_method_name "
'Order By statement
strSQL = "ORDER BY "
If boolProdLine Then
strSQL = strSQL + "tblProduct_Line.str_product_line, "
End If
strSQL = strSQL + "qrySupervisor.SuperName, qryAnalystLast.AnalystName, " & _
"tblSession_Head.dte_call_date, " & _
"Format([tblSession_Head]![dte_call_date],'yyyy mm') DESC "
'Pivot statement
strPivot = "PIVOT Format([tblSession_Head]![dte_call_date],'yyyy mm');"
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Randy Johnston