Hi, i have this query in ASP code and it's works ok
SELECTSQL = "SELECT * FROM M_DOCCLI where cdg_tdoc='002' and cdg_tmov<>'998' and fec_docu=(SELECT CURRENT DATE AS FEC FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1)"
but the problem is when i try to use a variable
I have a textbox with string value '20/03/2008' and this string value is assigned to FDESDE and it doesn't work
SELECTSQL = "SELECT * FROM M_DOCCLI where cdg_tdoc='002' and cdg_tmov<>'998' and fec_docu>= '"& FDESDE &"'"
How convert string value FDESDE to date with format dd/MM/yyyy?
Im working with IBM DB2 v6.0 and when i execute "values current date" command i get this expresion 10/07/2009
Thanks a lot
SELECTSQL = "SELECT * FROM M_DOCCLI where cdg_tdoc='002' and cdg_tmov<>'998' and fec_docu=(SELECT CURRENT DATE AS FEC FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1)"
but the problem is when i try to use a variable
I have a textbox with string value '20/03/2008' and this string value is assigned to FDESDE and it doesn't work
SELECTSQL = "SELECT * FROM M_DOCCLI where cdg_tdoc='002' and cdg_tmov<>'998' and fec_docu>= '"& FDESDE &"'"
How convert string value FDESDE to date with format dd/MM/yyyy?
Im working with IBM DB2 v6.0 and when i execute "values current date" command i get this expresion 10/07/2009
Thanks a lot