This problem is driving me crazy! I have tried every combination that I can think of, and still no dice. I am trying to build a string that looks like the following:
"8252" 46","KBC16/45","1-3/4" X 16" X 4' BCI JOIST"," 2","N"
Here's where the data comes from:
8252 is contained in a string variable named PlanID.
46 is contained in an integer variable named lineNo.
KBC16/45 is contained in the part field (string type) of a recordset named rstemp.
1-3/4" X 16" X 4' BCI JOIST is contained in the descr field (string type) of a recordset named rstemp.
2 is contained in the qty field (numeric type) of a recordset named rstemp.
N is the evaluated string of the IIF function below.
IIF(rstemp!Unit = 'SF ', 'S', 'N')
The double quotes in the expression at the top of this post have to be in the expression. After the expression is built, it is written to a file using the Write # Statement. I have tried using Chr(34), """, and every combination thereof to build the correct string. I either get syntax errors or it writes the string to the file without evaluating the value of the fields and IIF function. For example, it wrote:
"PlanID" LineNo","rstemp!part","rstemp!descr","qty","IIF(rstemp!Unit = 'SF ', 'S', 'N')"
literally in the file. Please note that 1-3/4" X 16" X 4' are dimensions, where the " means inches and the ' means feet. The string must look exactly like above.
Does anyone have any earthly idea how to concatenate this string?
Thanks a lot!
"8252" 46","KBC16/45","1-3/4" X 16" X 4' BCI JOIST"," 2","N"
Here's where the data comes from:
8252 is contained in a string variable named PlanID.
46 is contained in an integer variable named lineNo.
KBC16/45 is contained in the part field (string type) of a recordset named rstemp.
1-3/4" X 16" X 4' BCI JOIST is contained in the descr field (string type) of a recordset named rstemp.
2 is contained in the qty field (numeric type) of a recordset named rstemp.
N is the evaluated string of the IIF function below.
IIF(rstemp!Unit = 'SF ', 'S', 'N')
The double quotes in the expression at the top of this post have to be in the expression. After the expression is built, it is written to a file using the Write # Statement. I have tried using Chr(34), """, and every combination thereof to build the correct string. I either get syntax errors or it writes the string to the file without evaluating the value of the fields and IIF function. For example, it wrote:
"PlanID" LineNo","rstemp!part","rstemp!descr","qty","IIF(rstemp!Unit = 'SF ', 'S', 'N')"
literally in the file. Please note that 1-3/4" X 16" X 4' are dimensions, where the " means inches and the ' means feet. The string must look exactly like above.
Does anyone have any earthly idea how to concatenate this string?
Thanks a lot!