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String Manipulation and Access. 1

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Aug 9, 2006

I dont normally do any VB programming so you will have to excuse my ignorance. I have been asked to extract all the individual lines of text from a text file and to take this information and put it into a table in an access database. I understand that this will involve looping through the text file to extract the information but I am unsure how I store the information then write each line of text extracted into a table in an access database.

Any help much appreciated.
You'll want to look at the following. FileSystemObject, TextStream, ReadLine, AtEndOfStream, ADO Connection Object, ADO Recordset Object. The first four are how to read from a text file. The last two are how to write to an Access Database.

Perhaps you'll do a bit of background reading and then get back with more specific questions.


Here is a basic sample code you use and modify to your needs:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
' Need to Reference Microsoft ActiveX Data objects 2.1 or higher
Dim myRS As New ADODB.Recordset

Static ConnectStr As String

Dim dbPathName As String, sqlstr as string
dbPathName = "C:\MyAccess.mdb"

On Error GoTo Found_Error

Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass

ConnectStr = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; Data Source=" & dbPathName
sqlstr = "Select * from MyAccessTable"

myRS.Open sqlstr, ConnectStr, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

' The input text file has 7 items, comma delimited

Dim i1 As Variant, i2 As Variant, i3 As Variant, i4 As Variant
Dim i5 As Variant, I6 As String, i7 As Variant

Dim Filenum As Integer
Filenum = FreeFile
Open "C:\inputtextfile.txt" For Input As #Filenum
Dim kount As Integer
kount = 0

Do While Not EOF(Filenum)
Input #Filenum, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, I6, i7

kount = kount + 1
myRS.Fields(0) = kount
myRS.Fields(1) = i1
myRS.Fields(2) = i2
myRS.Fields(3) = ans
myRS.Fields(4) = i3
myRS.Fields(5) = i5
myRS.Fields(6) = i4
myRS.Fields(7) = I6
myRS.Fields(8) = i7


Set myRS = Nothing

Close #Filenum
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
MsgBox "Done - records processed: " & kount

Exit Sub

Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCr & "Err Num: " & Err.Number, vbCritical, "Error Encountered"

End Sub

You got VB answers but there is also an MS-Access one! Have you checked on msaccess File-->Get External Data-->Import?
Well. I wish I'd thought of that! [lol]

Brenda, that might be another way to go, especially if this is a one-off rather than a regularly recurring requirement.
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