Using Crystal Reports 8.5:
Thanks to previous help from this group, I put together the following formula to concatinate item numbers to print them as a group horizontally:
//Details Formula
shared stringvar MyValues;
//if len(MyValues) < 240 then
if len(trim({CONTAINER.Container Description})) > 0 or isnull({CONTAINER.Container Description}) then
MyValues := MyValues & (trim({LABITEM.Lab Item Number}) & "(" & trim({CONTAINER.Container Description}) & ")" & ", ")
MyValues := MyValues & (trim({LABITEM.Lab Item Number}) & ", ");
If I comment out the len line (as I have done above), the report crashes with a "string cannot be longer than 254 characters" error. But I need to be able to print longer strings.
Thanks to previous help from this group, I put together the following formula to concatinate item numbers to print them as a group horizontally:
//Details Formula
shared stringvar MyValues;
//if len(MyValues) < 240 then
if len(trim({CONTAINER.Container Description})) > 0 or isnull({CONTAINER.Container Description}) then
MyValues := MyValues & (trim({LABITEM.Lab Item Number}) & "(" & trim({CONTAINER.Container Description}) & ")" & ", ")
MyValues := MyValues & (trim({LABITEM.Lab Item Number}) & ", ");
If I comment out the len line (as I have done above), the report crashes with a "string cannot be longer than 254 characters" error. But I need to be able to print longer strings.