I've the following problem with getting values from a .txt file into flash.The problem isn't to get the Vars into the flash but to convert a string into a number. For example: the .txt file looks like this:
now i want to add both numbers out of the file. I get the values into my textfields,but then Flash don't know how to add these "strings".
Flash code looks like this:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loadVariablesNum("test.txt", 0);
sum = _root.t1 + _root.t2
Is it possible to add the numbers? Or is it only possible to do this with javascript
instead the txt file?
Thanks for any comment!
I've the following problem with getting values from a .txt file into flash.The problem isn't to get the Vars into the flash but to convert a string into a number. For example: the .txt file looks like this:
now i want to add both numbers out of the file. I get the values into my textfields,but then Flash don't know how to add these "strings".
Flash code looks like this:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loadVariablesNum("test.txt", 0);
sum = _root.t1 + _root.t2
Is it possible to add the numbers? Or is it only possible to do this with javascript
instead the txt file?
Thanks for any comment!