I have a simple data base listing employee names and internal phone numbers. I have output the list of names and
phone numbers to a table on an intranet page using ASP.
Each record has a field to indicate if the phone number has Voice Mail capability. I would like to highlight these phone numbers by setting the border around the phone number
cell with a different colour. In html I would use:-
In ASP within my html table definition I have coded:-
If objRecordSet.strVoiceMail = "Y" Then
Response.Write "<bordercolor="#000000">"
End If
My ASP code fails because the " characters are all wrong.
How do I tell ASP when a " character exists within a pair of " characters?
phone numbers to a table on an intranet page using ASP.
Each record has a field to indicate if the phone number has Voice Mail capability. I would like to highlight these phone numbers by setting the border around the phone number
cell with a different colour. In html I would use:-
In ASP within my html table definition I have coded:-
If objRecordSet.strVoiceMail = "Y" Then
Response.Write "<bordercolor="#000000">"
End If
My ASP code fails because the " characters are all wrong.
How do I tell ASP when a " character exists within a pair of " characters?