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string compare 1

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Nov 13, 2008
Hi there,
I have something weird happening to me and i have no clue where to go.... :eek:
My situation: I have 3 strings. If either $str1 and $str2 or $str2 and $str3 match, I set a flag and continue but i have totally different string contents and my if clause still returns true... huh???
My code looks like this:
if { ([string compare -length 7 $str1 $str2] == 0) || ([string compare -length 2 $str2 $str3]) } {				        	
			        		set cond 0
			        		$GUI::twidget insert end "\n\n***MATCH***str1:$str1 = str2:$str2 ||str2:$str2 = str3:$str3\n\n"

and this is what I get in my text widget ($GUI::twidget): ***MATCH***str1:temperature = str2:>memrw 3 ||str2:>memrw 3 = str3:

isn't that weird? :eek: Can any one explain what's happening here?
I also checked the strings' length to make sure there's no unprintable characters that match but the sizes look like this:

len1: 11
len2: 8
len3: 0

figured out with
		        	set len1 [string length $str1]
		        	set len2 [string length $str2]
		        	set len3 [string length $str3]

I'm very thankful for any hints or suggestions!
Hi reggler,
It don't believe. I tried this with your 3 strings
set string1 "temperature"
set string2 ">memrw 3"
set string3 ""

if {([string compare -length 7 $string1 $string2] == 0) || 
    ([string compare -length 2 $string2 $string3] == 0)} {
  puts "They are equal"
} else {
  puts "They are not equal"

and I get
They are not equal
Hm yeah,

That's what you would expect but I unfortunately get repeatedly the wrong result :eek:
set myvar [string length string] also counting unprintable characters?
I'm on EST which means my week is over, I will follow-up on Monday but every body that may have an idea is invited to contribute by speaking out :)
>set myvar [string length string] also counting unprintable characters?
Here is the experiment: I have 2 chars:
\0 - null string terminator from C: 0x00
\7 - beep: 0x07
set mystring "\0\7"
puts "mystring = '$mystring'"
puts "len(mystring)=[string length $mystring]"
mystring = ' '
So can anyone explain what I'm getting then?
My console output looks like this:
len1: 11
len2: 8
len3: 0

***size check is true!!!

***MATCH***str1:temperature = str2:>memrw 3 ||str2:>memrw 3 = str3:

*****************BIST COMPLETE******************
and this is my code
set rslt -1
    set serial::rxBuffer {}
    while {$rslt == -1}  {
        #load content from console window into $str
	    #set str [.serialMon.cons get 0.0 end]
        #search for the string "Pass: 10" in $str
        set rslt [string first "Pass: $BIS_Test::total_iterations" $serial::rxBuffer]    
        if {$rslt != -1} {                         
        	set cond 1
            while {$cond}  {		                        
                $GUI::twidget see end
                #load content from console window into a list (break at new line)
	        	set lst [split $serial::rxBuffer \n\r]
	        	set length [llength $lst]	        		        	
	        	#debug - $GUI::twidget insert end "\n\n***list length: $length***\n\n"
	        	if {$length>1}  {		        	
		        	set str1 [string range [lindex $lst [expr $length - 4]] 0 10]
		        	set str2 [string range [lindex $lst [expr $length - 2]] 0 10]
		        	set str3 [string range [lindex $lst [expr $length - 1]] 0 10]
		        	set len1 [string length $str1]
		        	set len2 [string length $str2]
		        	set len3 [string length $str3]
		        	$GUI::twidget insert end "\n\nstr1: $str1\nstr2: $str2\nstr3: $str3\n\nlen1: $len1\nlen2: $len2\nlen3: $len3"
		        	if {(([string length $str1] > 7) && ([string length $str2] > 7)) || (([string length $str3] > 0) && ([string length $str2] >0))}  {
			        	$GUI::twidget insert end "\n\n***size check is true!!!\n\n"
		        		#see if the last two strings from the console window match set stop condition
		        		if { ([string compare -length 7 $str1 $str2] == 0) || ([string compare -length 2 $str2 $str3]) } {				        	
			        		set cond 0
			        		$GUI::twidget insert end "\n\n***MATCH***str1:$str1 = str2:$str2 ||str2:$str2 = str3:$str3\n\n"
            	finaltest::delay 1000
        finaltest::delay 1000
    .serialMon.cons insert end "\n\n*****************BIST COMPLETE******************\n"
Sorry for the long post but i'm stuck... does anyone have an idea how i can achieve this with another solution?
Thank you,

What I'm doing:
- waitting until I see "Pass: $BIS_Test::total_iteration" in the RxBuffer
- now i wait until i see two similar lines on the bottom - or the 2nd last and the 4th last the same (because the last lines in a specific case contain newline chars)...

Thank you for suggestions!

Reggler !!!

You forgot [red]==[/red] in your second [string compare..]!
Look here:
set str1 "temperature"
set str2 ">memrw 3"
set str3 ""

puts "BAD CODE:"
if { ([string compare -length 7 $str1 $str2] == 0) || 
     ([string compare -length 2 $str2 $str3]) } {                             
  set cond 0
  puts "\n\n***MATCH***str1:$str1 = str2:$str2 ||str2:$str2 = str3:$str3\n\n"

puts "GOOD CODE:"
if { ([string compare -length 7 $str1 $str2] == 0) || 
     ([string compare -length 2 $str2 $str3] [red]==[/red] 0) } {                             
  set cond 0
  puts "\n\n***MATCH***str1:$str1 = str2:$str2 ||str2:$str2 = str3:$str3\n\n"
Correct it and don't forget give me the STAR
I think you may be confused about what string compare returns. Either that or you left out a ==0 in the second sub-clause. From the help file:
Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether string1 is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than string2.

Your conditional clause in the if block is true when str2 is greater than str3 which is blank so anything is greater.

Bob Rashkin
reggler wants to compare if the strings are equal, but because
puts [expr [string compare -length 7 $str1 $str2] == 0] 
puts [string compare -length 2 $str2 $str3]
he got from the OR delivered
0 || 1 = 1
which means true

You were too quick for me. I was talking to the OP.

Bob Rashkin
Yup, yup, yup, thank you for the feedback. This actually helped a lot! I was able to fix this!
Thank you x 1000! Man I didn't see this.... GRR....drove me crazy....oh well....i'm sorry to have wasted everybody's time and say again

Original Post(er).

Bob Rashkin
Hi Bong,
Thanx for the explanation of the abreviation.
I try to improve a my english.
That doesn't have anything to do with one's English skills but rather with your Usenet-ish skills - I believe ;)
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