I am attempting to use a stringbuilder class in an asp page and getting the following error in an included asp file:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'
Syntax error
/templates/StringClass.asp, line 2
Class clsString
The code for stringclass.asp is:
Class clsString
Private m_intLength
Private m_intCounter
Private m_arrString()
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'Dim an array and set position counter
m_intCounter = 1
m_intLength = 100
Redim m_arrString(m_intLength)
End Sub
Public Sub Reset
'Erase current array and recreate
Erase m_arrString
Call Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Public Property Get Value
'Use Join function to create final string
Value = Join(m_arrString,""
End Property
Public Sub Add(byval strValue)
Dim intArrLen
'Add value to string array
intArrLen = Ubound(m_arrString)
If m_intCounter > intArrLen Then _
Redim Preserve m_arrString(intArrLen + m_intLength)
m_arrString(m_intCounter) = strValue
'Incriment position counter
m_intCounter = m_intCounter + 1
End Sub
End Class
This error occurs before the class is even instantiated. Any idea why?
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'
Syntax error
/templates/StringClass.asp, line 2
Class clsString
The code for stringclass.asp is:
Class clsString
Private m_intLength
Private m_intCounter
Private m_arrString()
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'Dim an array and set position counter
m_intCounter = 1
m_intLength = 100
Redim m_arrString(m_intLength)
End Sub
Public Sub Reset
'Erase current array and recreate
Erase m_arrString
Call Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Public Property Get Value
'Use Join function to create final string
Value = Join(m_arrString,""
End Property
Public Sub Add(byval strValue)
Dim intArrLen
'Add value to string array
intArrLen = Ubound(m_arrString)
If m_intCounter > intArrLen Then _
Redim Preserve m_arrString(intArrLen + m_intLength)
m_arrString(m_intCounter) = strValue
'Incriment position counter
m_intCounter = m_intCounter + 1
End Sub
End Class
This error occurs before the class is even instantiated. Any idea why?