I'm trying to automate password changes. I have a dialog that asks for the old password. CURPASS is the var. The system I send the command to is case sensitive. When I sent the command the CURPASS is in all caps.
string CURPASS = ""
dialogbox 0 7 17 288 63 2 "Password changer."
text 1 10 7 94 11 "Enter your current password." left
editbox 2 115 7 54 11 CURPASS MASKED
radiogroup 3 QUES
radiobutton 6 187 7 42 11 "Keep it?"
radiobutton 7 187 28 49 11 "Change it?"
radiobutton 8 238 7 42 11 "Forced?"
radiobutton 9 238 28 42 11 "Forced?"
text 4 10 28 80 11 "Change password?" left
editbox 5 115 28 54 11 NEWPASS MASKED
pushbutton 10 187 42 40 13 "OK" OK DEFAULT
pushbutton 11 238 42 40 13 "Cancel" CANCEL
strfmt s0 "CHGSSWD:OLD=`"%s`",NEW=`"t31c0v`";" CURPASS
transmit s0
I can add the full script if needed. I did see a command to change the string to all caps or to all lower. I just want to keep the case that the user enters.
string CURPASS = ""
dialogbox 0 7 17 288 63 2 "Password changer."
text 1 10 7 94 11 "Enter your current password." left
editbox 2 115 7 54 11 CURPASS MASKED
radiogroup 3 QUES
radiobutton 6 187 7 42 11 "Keep it?"
radiobutton 7 187 28 49 11 "Change it?"
radiobutton 8 238 7 42 11 "Forced?"
radiobutton 9 238 28 42 11 "Forced?"
text 4 10 28 80 11 "Change password?" left
editbox 5 115 28 54 11 NEWPASS MASKED
pushbutton 10 187 42 40 13 "OK" OK DEFAULT
pushbutton 11 238 42 40 13 "Cancel" CANCEL
strfmt s0 "CHGSSWD:OLD=`"%s`",NEW=`"t31c0v`";" CURPASS
transmit s0
I can add the full script if needed. I did see a command to change the string to all caps or to all lower. I just want to keep the case that the user enters.